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Revaluation of by-products and minimization of waste from the olive industry.

The olive processing generates a large quantity of by-products. BioLive is committed to optimizing the reuse and use of these agricultural by-products, which allow obtaining high value-added compounds, based on different reuse technologies, such as composting, biofuel production and energy applications.

The by-products of the olive are already being used in the direct combustion of biomass to generate electricity or for thermal uses at an industrial level. Recent research studies in recent years show new uses for olive by-products and olive by-products or improvements in the use of these by-products for energy purposes. In this sense, different lines of research coexist to give new applications to these by-products, which avoid the disadvantages of current processes.

Optimize olive oil production processes to obtain a quality product, integrating efficient treatment and recovery of the different by-products that are generated, from high-value bioactive compounds, with a high potential for human health, such as flavonoids, lignans, phenolic compounds, sterols, tocopherols, squalene, alcohols and triterpenic acids, even low-value uses (compost, energy, food, wastewater treatment) of these by-products should be a priority objective to be developed in all the oil factories, oil mills and cooperatives, which can only be carried out from the transfer of technology and the advancement of knowledge.

Within this service package, more specifically BioLive offers:

  • Composting plant installation and operation

  • Biofertilization in the olive grove through compost and pomace

  • Accelerated decomposition by fungi of organic material produced in the olive grove

  • Use of pruning remains in the oil mill or cooperative itself through gasification to obtain electrical energy

  • Physical-chemical characterization of the olive leaf of the oil mill

  • Extraction of bioactive compounds from olive leaves and advice for their application in animal and functional nutrition

  • Treatment and use of liquid oil mill effluents

  • Physico-chemical characterization of biofuels

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